Saturday, 18 March 2017
A few more books......
Yet again a busy week, not all envolving making Books. Monday found me in Leeds had to collect some paperwork, so decided to take advantage of being in the city and have a walk around, years ago I was a collage here but over the years my visits here have been infrequent. Recently I have spent more time in the area around the art gallery, so this time decided to go and have a look around the markets and the corn exchange. Lots of new buildings around there and I was pleasently supprised and was impressed with the look of them. Was going to take photos only to find my camera was out of battery.
This is a view from the market showing the new building behind think they look stunning.
In the corn exchange the is a great little craft shop, had a word with the owner and hopefully will be able to rent a shelf and have another out let for my work, have to send some images and fingers crossed get accepted.
Some of the time I did spend making books. Still almost on the upcycle theme, made a couple of books using the box my teabags come in to decorate the covers.
Also made a couple of leather journals.
Apart from adding bits to some paintings that's about it for this week. Next week I'm going away to the Dales will hopefully get inspired there. Also I'm going to a marbling workshop. So watch this space to find out how it goes.
Saturday, 11 March 2017
A strange week this week, lots of family stuff needed doing, so thrown a bit off track, Doesn't take much, Behind with some of the weekly challenge stuff but not going to stress to much. It's one of those times when I have lots of unfinished projects. Working on lots of little bits but nothing finished. Then all of a sudden things all come together at once. So far the all come together bit hasn't happened but due anytime soon, so watch this space.
On Sunday my sister and I did the craft fair at Henshaws. That's when I realised that I have no recycled stuff left. So planned to put that right this week. Dug out some old carrier bags and my box of used teabags. A few things made and another few items to my "unfinished" section.

Over the past few weeks been working more on my iPad and have been following some tutorials on some of the painting and photo apps. Was able to design my new business cards completely on the iPad and they are now at the printers. Also a few more drawings on the way
All so have a few of my painting on book pages made into cards. Needed some new images their as display was getting a bit stale.
I find I love to try out you stuff. This time is another way of using up left over book pages. This time sandwiched between glass.
Needs a bit more practise.
Anyway that's about it for this week. Watch this space.
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