Sunday, 4 February 2018

..... a bit of a clear up.

This last week has been about sorting my space out. I’m terribly messy and every now and then have do something drastic about it. First of it was my bedroom, clutter city. Anything that I couldn’t find a home for anywhere else got dumped there. Well it’s about done now and as it turned out was mainly books, most of which I don’t need. They were sorted and are off to new homes. 

It has still been business as usual, getting things ready for the next craft fair, and prepping a few orders. Even putting some more of my Whimsical doodle characters in my Esty shop. 

One of the things I uncovered in my clear up was a box containing 100 postacards of artwork from the “Beano” comic. 
As a kid my Grandad (Pop) used to buy me the comics every week along with a big bag of sweets. So I’m guessing it was nostalgia that made me buy them in the first place. I hadn’t even looked at them so decided would be good to use them and thought I’d make some books. 

I made 10 today. Spent a lot of time umming and ahhing about what binding to use. Decided in the end to use a “perfect binding”. Not a binding I use often but wanted to make something cheap and cheerful for my craftfair stall. So just simple little notebooks. Ideal for throwing in a bag.  

I Still have a lot of cards left so I’m going to incorporate these into some others types of bindings. 

That’s all for now back again soon. 

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